It’s less about what we do and more about what we undo.

Who We Are

About Victory Project

Victory Project (VP) is a privately funded 501(c)3 after-school program mentoring disengaged young men, grades 8-12 in Dayton, Ohio.

Being open year-round six days a week allows us to build relationships and earn the right to be heard. Sharing dinner together every weeknight feeds us physically, our tutoring and working at our micro-enterprise feeds us intellectually, and our Bible studies feed us spiritually.

We can currently serve up to 100 youth at a time in our facilities, located at 409 Troy Street and 4519 Oakridge Drive, both in Dayton, Ohio.


What We Stand For



Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6



All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.
2 Timothy 3:16



The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe. Proverbs 18:10



Likewise, urge the younger men to be self-controlled. Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, and sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us. Titus 2:6-8


Who We Are

You’re here to be light bringing out the God-colors in the world, God is not a secret to be kept we’re going public with this as public as a city on a hill. Matthew 5:14

Monnie Bush, Founder & CEO

Job responsibilities:  Officially it’s primary leadership, organizational development & marketing. But, in reality, I get to brag on God, our staff, supporters, and students wherever I go.

Where you were born? Dayton, Ohio

Family:  Wife, Kelly, who also is our C.F.O. and four sons, Clayton, Liam, Quinn & Cooper

Tell us about your achievements and accomplishments: My faith, as a Christ-follower, my family, and my former career in law enforcement, and now, The Victory Project are all incredibly important to me. My entire life revolves around these. There’s never a dull moment.

What are your hobbies: I enjoy using videos and other formats to tell peoples stories. I’m also a big fan of MST3K & RiffTrax.

What’s a favorite of The Victory Project:  While there are many, I have to say it’s the first experiences that are close to my heart. Before opening VP I spent months doing research and development. Learning from professionals, and those I hoped to serve someday, parents and youth caught up in the street life. One of those young men I met in juvenile detention, later joined VP and even became our first full-time Program Director. Today, he’s a man of God, a husband, a father, and paid off his home by the age of 30, due to his work ethic as a skilled tradesman.

Founder & CEO

Monnie Bush, Founder & CEO

Job responsibilities:  Officially it’s primary leadership, organizational development & marketing. But, in reality, I get to brag on God, our staff, supporters, and students wherever I go.

Where you were born? Dayton, Ohio

Family:  Wife, Kelly, who also is our C.F.O. and four sons, Clayton, Liam, Quinn & Cooper

Tell us about your achievements and accomplishments: My faith, as a Christ-follower, my family, and my former career in law enforcement, and now, The Victory Project are all incredibly important to me. My entire life revolves around these. There’s never a dull moment.

What are your hobbies: I enjoy using videos and other formats to tell peoples stories. I’m also a big fan of MST3K & RiffTrax.

What’s a favorite of The Victory Project:  While there are many, I have to say it’s the first experiences that are close to my heart. Before opening VP I spent months doing research and development. Learning from professionals, and those I hoped to serve someday, parents and youth caught up in the street life. One of those young men I met in juvenile detention, later joined VP and even became our first full-time Program Director. Today, he’s a man of God, a husband, a father, and paid off his home by the age of 30, due to his work ethic as a skilled tradesman.

John Oliver, Executive Director

Job responsibilities: Help VP students discover they are loved by God through mentorship in the areas of education, entrepreneurship, and enlightenment which involves a weekly Bible study and praise and worship service.

Where you were born: Melbourne, Florida

Family status (spouse & kids): My wife Rhonda and I have been married for 33 years and have three awesome sons, Aaron, Stephen and Joshua.

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): Serving for 26 years in the Air Force.  I also work with students in my role as the Director of the Athletes in Action JAM sports Camp (Jesus, Athletics and Manhood) for middle and high school inner-city students

Hobbies: Coaching, sports, and reading.

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): My favorite day of the week at VP is Wednesday when we hold our weekly staff Bible study and then have praise and worship and Bible study with the students. It’s the day of the week where I see God touching the hearts of the entire VP family (especially the students) in ways unlike any other day of the week.

Executive Director

John Oliver, Executive Director

Job responsibilities: Help VP students discover they are loved by God through mentorship in the areas of education, entrepreneurship, and enlightenment which involves a weekly Bible study and praise and worship service.

Where you were born: Melbourne, Florida

Family status (spouse & kids): My wife Rhonda and I have been married for 33 years and have three awesome sons, Aaron, Stephen and Joshua.

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): Serving for 26 years in the Air Force.  I also work with students in my role as the Director of the Athletes in Action JAM sports Camp (Jesus, Athletics and Manhood) for middle and high school inner-city students

Hobbies: Coaching, sports, and reading.

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): My favorite day of the week at VP is Wednesday when we hold our weekly staff Bible study and then have praise and worship and Bible study with the students. It’s the day of the week where I see God touching the hearts of the entire VP family (especially the students) in ways unlike any other day of the week.

Jon Rohrer, Program Director

Job responsibilities: As a Program Director my primary focus is on mentoring the young men involved in the program. This mentoring includes teaching in classroom settings, facilitating tutoring opportunities, organizing sports activities, and sharing the good news of the gospel. 

Where you were born: Freemont, Ohio

Family status (spouse & kids): Married, 3 Girls, 1 Boy.  I have a beautiful wife, three young girls, and a newborn baby boy.

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): I graduated for Wright State with a 4.0 GPA. Being able to lead worship at both VP and Family Church. 

Hobbies: I love to sing and play music. I recently started learning how to play the guitar. I enjoy singing with the guys at Victory Project and the congregation at Family Church. 

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): I enjoy seeing the students sing and worship and then leave with smiles of pure joy on their faces. 

Program Director

Jon Rohrer, Program Director

Job responsibilities: As a Program Director my primary focus is on mentoring the young men involved in the program. This mentoring includes teaching in classroom settings, facilitating tutoring opportunities, organizing sports activities, and sharing the good news of the gospel. 

Where you were born: Freemont, Ohio

Family status (spouse & kids): Married, 3 Girls, 1 Boy.  I have a beautiful wife, three young girls, and a newborn baby boy.

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): I graduated for Wright State with a 4.0 GPA. Being able to lead worship at both VP and Family Church. 

Hobbies: I love to sing and play music. I recently started learning how to play the guitar. I enjoy singing with the guys at Victory Project and the congregation at Family Church. 

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): I enjoy seeing the students sing and worship and then leave with smiles of pure joy on their faces. 

Michael Bayer, Victory Improvement Projects, Business Manager

Job responsibilities: Leads the Entrepreneurship component of V.P.’s mission.  Responsibilities include sourcing and securing workload, maintaining strong customer relationships, providing training and orientation for new students, recruiting V.I.P. volunteers, supervising/leading Crew Leaders, managing V.I.P’s profit and loss position, and developing related Operating Procedures.

Where you were born: Sacramento, CA

Family status (spouse & kids): Married to Jennifer, between us we have three daughters, two sons, and 4 grandchildren.

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): Retired from the Air Force after 23 years.  Currently a professor for the Defense Acquisition University.

Hobbies: Playing on our Church Worship Team, Cycling, and performing Magic.

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): The first time one of the boys came into my office and sat on the couch, just to chat.

Business Manager

Michael Bayer, Victory Improvement Projects, Business Manager

Job responsibilities: Leads the Entrepreneurship component of V.P.’s mission.  Responsibilities include sourcing and securing workload, maintaining strong customer relationships, providing training and orientation for new students, recruiting V.I.P. volunteers, supervising/leading Crew Leaders, managing V.I.P’s profit and loss position, and developing related Operating Procedures.

Where you were born: Sacramento, CA

Family status (spouse & kids): Married to Jennifer, between us we have three daughters, two sons, and 4 grandchildren.

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): Retired from the Air Force after 23 years.

Hobbies: Playing on our Church Worship Team, Cycling, and performing Magic.

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): The first time one of the boys came into my office and sat on the couch,  just to chat.

Julie Hoosier, Community Support Specialist

Job responsibilities:  I am responsible for acknowledging and greeting everyone (with a smile) who enters the doors here at VP. I am also responsible for maintaining a well-functioning office environment and for answering phones and directing incoming calls to the appropriate staff member. I also provide support with projects, public relations, and community events.

Where you were born: Providence, Rhode Island

Family status (spouse & kids): I have a daughter, Arynne, and a son, Dylan. Arynne is a kindergarten teacher, and Dylan is in his junior year of college at Niagara University in Niagara Falls, NY. Together we have three dogs… a bulldog Ginger, a boxer, LT, and a cockapoo, Lola.

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): I received a Master’s degree in counseling with a distinction in marriage and family.

Hobbies: I like listening to music and I enjoy various genres of music, from jazz to big band, from gospel to 90s music and folk music. I enjoy reading; one of my favorite authors is Nicholas Sparks. I am learning how to vlog, and I look forward to vlogging my home decor, coffee routines, cooking routines, and day-in-the-life routines.

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): I enjoyed the first basketball game of the season here at VP. I spent many years traveling with my son’s basketball teams and serving as team mom for the various teams. Watching the first game here at VP and hearing about everyone’s accomplishments brought back great memories.

Community Support Specialist

Julie Hoosier, Community Support Specialist

Job responsibilities:  I am responsible for acknowledging and greeting everyone (with a smile) who enters the doors here at VP. I am also responsible for maintaining a well-functioning office environment and for answering phones and directing incoming calls to the appropriate staff member. I also provide support with projects, public relations, and community events.

Where you were born: Providence, Rhode Island

Family status (spouse & kids): I have a daughter, Arynne, and a son, Dylan. Arynne is a kindergarten teacher, and Dylan is in his junior year of college at Niagara University in Niagara Falls, NY. Together we have three dogs… a bulldog Ginger, a boxer, LT, and a cockapoo, Lola.

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): I received a Master’s degree in counseling with a distinction in marriage and family.

Hobbies: I like listening to music and I enjoy various genres of music, from jazz to big band, from gospel to 90s music and folk music. I enjoy reading; one of my favorite authors is Nicholas Sparks. I am learning how to vlog, and I look forward to vlogging my home decor, coffee routines, cooking routines, and day-in-the-life routines.

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): I enjoyed the first basketball game of the season here at VP. I spent many years traveling with my son’s basketball teams and serving as team mom for the various teams. Watching the first game here at VP and hearing about everyone’s accomplishments brought back great memories.

Ke'Shawn Miller, Program Director

Job responsibilities: To mentor young men on the path to a successful life overall. Including their schoolwork, work habits, and relationship with God. As part of this, I lead classes, bible studies, and group activities.

Where you were born: Dayton, Ohio

Family status (spouse & kids): Not married and no children

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): A few of my biggest accomplishments would be making the conference championship as a junior high basketball coach a few years back. Just seeing the growth of the young men from the start of the season to the end was honestly life-changing and motivating to me. My second biggest accomplishment would be my walk with Christ. Being saved, baptized, finished a discipleship class, and plans to start leading that very same class soon.

Hobbies: Sports have always been one of my biggest hobbies, especially basketball and fitness. I’ve also gotten into painting and traveling recently and love how relaxing it is.

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): My very first time visiting. I was almost instantly moved by what God had been doing in my community and in these young men’s lives. Starting with hanging out with some of the boys to their introductions, my heart was moved. This didn’t stop me from beating them in basketball, but the experience was honestly something I’ll never forget!

Ke’Shawn Miller
Program Director

Ke'Shawn Miller, Program Director

Job responsibilities: To mentor young men on the path to a successful life overall. Including their schoolwork, work habits, and relationship with God. As part of this, I lead classes, bible studies, and group activities.

Where you were born: Dayton, Ohio

Family status (spouse & kids): Not married and no children

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): A few of my biggest accomplishments would be making the conference championship as a junior high basketball coach a few years back. Just seeing the growth of the young men from the start of the season to the end was honestly life-changing and motivating to me. My second biggest accomplishment would be my walk with Christ. Being saved, baptized, finished a discipleship class, and plans to start leading that very same class soon.

Hobbies: Sports have always been one of my biggest hobbies, especially basketball and fitness. I’ve also gotten into painting and traveling recently and love how relaxing it is.

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): My very first time visiting. I was almost instantly moved by what God had been doing in my community and in these young men’s lives. Starting with hanging out with some of the boys to their introductions, my heart was moved. This didn’t stop me from beating them in basketball, but the experience was honestly something I’ll never forget!

Dave Riel, Victory Improvement Projects, Site Leader

Job Responsibilities: Ensure VIP workers understand the value of hard and smart work via organizing VIP warehouse for efficient operations and conducting all assigned work professionally.

Where you were born: Providence, Rhode Island

Family status (spouse & kids): Married to Christy (32 years) with two daughters, Jessi (PhD candidate at Auburn Univ) and Rachel (ER Physical Asst at Wlison Hospital in Sydney), one grandson, Jonah (7 yrs old)

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): Retired USAF officer

Hobbies: Photography, Cycling, Travel

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): Working with a couple of the guys getting some much-needed projects done, e.g., repaint the trailer, redo the studio.

Site Leader

Dave Riel, Victory Improvement Projects, Site Leader

Job Responsibilities: Ensure VIP workers understand the value of hard and smart work via organizing VIP warehouse for efficient operations and conducting all assigned work professionally.

Where you were born: Providence, Rhode Island

Family status (spouse & kids): Married to Christy (32 years) with two daughters, Jessi (PhD candidate at Auburn Univ) and Rachel (ER Physical Asst at Wlison Hospital in Sydney), one grandson, Jonah (7 yrs old)

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): Retired USAF officer

Hobbies: Photography, Cycling, Travel

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): Working with a couple of the guys getting some much-needed projects done, e.g., repaint the trailer, redo the studio.

James Reese, Victory Improvement Projects, Site Leader

Job Responsibilities: Coordinate work crews for business projects.

Where you were born: Dayton, Ohio

Family status (spouse & kids): married 27 yrs Wife Tamera and two boys Matthew 32 Jakob 26

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): Graduated from Rets Technical School and Hondrous College. High school baseball and football coach at Dayton Christian and Middleton Madison

Hobbies: Fishing and gardening

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): Spending Saturdays with the boys doing landscaping and singing with the boys during praise and worship

James Reese
Site Leader

James Reese, Victory Improvement Projects, Site Leader

Job Responsibilities: Coordinate work crews for business projects.

Where you were born: Dayton, Ohio

Family status (spouse & kids): married 27 yrs Wife Tamera and two boys Matthew 32 Jakob 26

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): Graduated from Rets Technical School and Hondrous College. High school baseball and football coach at Dayton Christian and Middleton Madison

Hobbies: Fishing and gardening

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): Spending Saturdays with the boys doing landscaping and singing with the boys during praise and worship

Lynn Simmons, Program Director

Job Responsibilities:Acknowledge and greet all visitors, students, family members, and the public. Represent VP to the community in a way that educates and advocates for the mission. Answer phones, direct incoming calls and ensure timely and helpful responses to requests. Support the CEO with projects, public relations events, and community events. Schedule and implement Friday programming for students.

Where you were born? Chicago, IL

Family status (spouse & kids):  Single- no kids

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): High School Graduation, My personal Salvation, Achieved the goal to work in a ministry.

Hobbies: Basketball, Baseball/Softball, Preaching, Traveling

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): I had a blast at Kings Island last year. I was entrusted with a group of teens, and we had a good time. I also went to the water park there, and all the guys wanted to take pictures and videos on my phone underwater because it was waterproof.


Lynn Simmons, Program Director

Job Responsibilities: Acknowledge and greet all visitors, students, family members, and the public. Represent VP to the community in a way that educates and advocates for the mission. Answer phones, direct incoming calls and ensure timely and helpful responses to requests. Support the CEO with projects, public relations events, and community events. Schedule and implement Friday programming for students.

Where you were born? Dayton, Ohio

Family status (spouse & kids): Married to my amazing wife, Hannah Simmons for 4 years now. We have a son, Landon, and a daughter, Eliana. We are also expecting our third child in April.

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): My biggest achievement is giving my life to Christ at my church’s VBS when I was around 13 years old. Ever since that day I have been involved in church and interested in youth programs. In 2021, before my son was born, I had the opportunity to coach my church’s junior high basketball again. I was able to coach them to the BCSO championship where we successfully took home the first-place trophy and became state champions! This was such an amazing accomplishment for the boys I coached, and I really enjoyed watching their growth from the beginning to the end of the season.

Hobbies: I love to play basketball, spend time with my family, and play some sports video games.

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): My favorite time at VP so far was my first time touring with my family. I could see my wife lighting up and us both knowing this is where God had called me to be.

Carlos Hill, Program Director

Job responsibilities: To give young men a safe space to empower themselves by building a relationship with God, help them discover who they are, and to help them understand they have purpose. To do this I provide a loving and accountability based relationship to help these young men in their individual journeys to ensure they allow God’s light to shine through. I teach classes, lead bible studies, run group activities, and give them a positive influence for them to learn from.

Where you were born: Dayton, Ohio

Family status (spouse & kids): I am married to my wife Melinda and we have 4 kids (Carlos Jr, Noah, Ezekiel (Zeek), and Amon-Ra).

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): Serving and retiring from the Army is one, but a big one is not becoming a victim to my circumstances. Through God you can accomplish anything and no hole is too deep to get out of if you just have faith.

Hobbies: Hobbies of mine include playing/watching sports, working out/being active, playing with my sons, being around family/friends, traveling, doing outdoor activities, and making people laugh.

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): A few come to mind, but the smiles I see from the kids overall. I do not know if that qualifies, but that is what has been my favorite part of VP to this point.

Program Director

Carlos Hill, Program Director

Job responsibilities: To give young men a safe space to empower themselves by building a relationship with God, help them discover who they are, and to help them understand they have purpose. To do this I provide a loving and accountability based relationship to help these young men in their individual journeys to ensure they allow God’s light to shine through. I teach classes, lead bible studies, run group activities, and give them a positive influence for them to learn from.

Where you were born: Dayton, Ohio

Family status (spouse & kids): I am married to my wife Melinda and we have 4 kids (Carlos Jr, Noah, Ezekiel (Zeek), and Amon-Ra).

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): Serving and retiring from the Army is one, but a big one is not becoming a victim to my circumstances. Through God you can accomplish anything and no hole is too deep to get out of if you just have faith.

Hobbies: Hobbies of mine include playing/watching sports, working out/being active, playing with my sons, being around family/friends, traveling, doing outdoor activities, and making people laugh.

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): A few come to mind, but the smiles I see from the kids overall. I do not know if that qualifies, but that is what has been my favorite part of VP to this point.

Kelly Bush, Bookkeeper

Job Responsibilities: My job includes bookkeeping, payroll, and grant writing. I also supervise the production of our quarterly newsletter and organize fundraising events.

Where you were born: Dayton, Ohio

Family status (spouse & kids):  My husband, Monnie (who also is our Founder & CEO), and I have been married for 25 years. We have three sons, Liam, Quinn & Cooper, and my stepson, Clayton.

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): I have a degree in interior design and am a certified professional organizer. But not too long after my personal salvation, I said “Yes” to God when the need arose and dove head first into ministry work as my husbands’ wingman and #1 supporter.

Hobbies: Renovating our historic home and gardening… you can never have too many plants!

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): Weddings and Babies! We have provided services long enough for our young men to become responsible adults, some of whom find their life mates and grow their own families. Getting to experience those milestones with them is heartwarming. VP=Family


Kelly Bush, Bookkeeper

Job Responsibilities: My job includes bookkeeping, payroll, and grant writing. I also supervise the production of our quarterly newsletter and organize fundraising events.

Where you were born: Dayton, Ohio

Family status (spouse & kids):  My husband, Monnie (who also is our Founder & CEO), and I have been married for 25 years. We have three sons, Liam, Quinn & Cooper, and my stepson, Clayton.

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): I have a degree in interior design and am a certified professional organizer. But not too long after my personal salvation, I said “Yes” to God when the need arose and dove head first into ministry work as my husbands’ wingman and #1 supporter.

Hobbies: Renovating our historic home and gardening… you can never have too many plants!

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): Weddings and Babies! We have provided services long enough for our young men to become responsible adults, some of whom find their life mates and grow their own families. Getting to experience those milestones with them is heartwarming. VP=Family

Kim Cooper | Volunteer Coordinator
Kim Cooper, Volunteer Coordinator

Job Responsibilities: I will be helping coordinate the involvement of volunteers who currently serve and desire to serve at VP.  I will also be supporting staff and connecting them with volunteers as well as providing tours as needed.

Where you were born: Dayton Ohio.  I grew up in Huber Heights and now live in Springboro.

Family status (spouse & kids):  I have been married for 29 years to Joe Cooper and have 3 children.  Cade (age 22) lives and works in St. Louis.  Conor (age 20) is a junior at The University of Toledo, Katie (18) in the Fall will be a Freshman at The Ohio State University.

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): Our kids all graduated High School!!!  I have been a stay-at-home mom since my kids were born.  I have volunteered in the schools, for the kid’s sports teams, and at church over the years in many ways.  Before this job, I was working for the past 16 years part-time as a Substitute Teacher.

Hobbies: crocheting, hiking, walking, reading, and scrapbooking

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): The nights the ladies are called in and asked to be dance partners with the young men as they learn to ballroom dance is always fun.  I enjoy being a role model and helping them learn something they might not have otherwise tried.

Volunteer Coordinator

Kim Cooper, Volunteer Coordinator

Job responsibilities: I will be helping coordinate the involvement of volunteers who currently serve and desire to serve at VP.  I will also be supporting staff and connecting them with volunteers as well as providing tours as needed.

Where you were born: Dayton Ohio.  I grew up in Huber Heights and now live in Springboro.

Family status (spouse & kids): I have been married for 29 years to Joe Cooper and have 3 children.  Cade (age 22) lives and works in St. Louis.  Conor (age 20) is a junior at The University of Toledo, Katie (18) in the Fall will be a Freshman at The Ohio State University.

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal):  Our kids all graduated High School!!!  I have been a stay-at-home mom since my kids were born.  I have volunteered in the schools, for the kid’s sports teams, and at church over the years in many ways.  Before this job, I was working for the past 16 years part-time as a Substitute Teacher.

Hobbies: Crocheting, hiking, walking, reading and scrapbooking

Favorite memory or event at VP (so far): The nights the ladies are called in and asked to be dance partners with the young men as they learn to ballroom dance is always fun.  I enjoy being a role model and helping them learn something they might not have otherwise tried.

Arese Valerie Aruagbon-Ogbomo, Community Support Specialist

Job responsibilities: My job is to support the staff and students by providing a safe and consistent environment. CSS services include managing the front office, greeting visitors, and providing administrative assistance to the Victory Project staff.

Where you were born: Edo state, Benin-City, Nigeria

Family status (spouse & kids): My parents and three siblings

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): I have an associate degree in social work and a bachelor’s in Criminal Justice.

Hobbies: I love Pilates, running, working out, singing, and dancing.

Community Support Specialist

Arese Valerie Aruagbon-Ogbomo, Community Support Specialist

Job responsibilities: My job is to support the staff and students by providing a safe and consistent environment. CSS services include managing the front office, greeting visitors, and providing administrative assistance to the Victory Project staff.

Where you were born: Edo state, Benin-City, Nigeria

Family status (spouse & kids): My parents and three siblings

Relevant achievement or accomplishment (professional or personal): I have an associate degree in social work and a bachelor’s in Criminal Justice.

Hobbies: I love Pilates, running, working out, singing, and dancing.


Leave Room For God (LRFG) has been with VP before there was programming. I used the initials in his plans to keep the focus on Who truly is the guiding force behind VP’s success. VP continues this tradition with ever more evidence of God’s provision and protection.

Our Philosophy

Victory Project is not designed to force compliance, but to create an environment so valuable that the student modifies their behavior to maintain membership.

– Monnie Bush, Founder & C.E.O.

Membership is Free!

It only costs a positive attitude, honest effort, and consistency. Review some of our membership benefits, such as family dinners, competitive wages, recreation center, tutoring, character development, and more.

Victory Project students in group picture

Our Purpose

Victory Project isn’t about enforcing rules, but cultivating an enriching space where students willingly adapt their behavior to stay involved. Our emphasis is on molding the environment rather than fixing individuals – a shift away from the traditional, which can lead to compassion fatigue and diminishing returns. Our aim is to foster a setting where young people recognize their worth and discover their purpose. The degree of our success hinges on the effectiveness of this unique approach.

Victory Project Campuses

Board Members

Greg Roberto

Al Ralston

Staci Morris

David Oakes
Bud Hauser
Tim Ko
Will Allen
Emily Ludington
Dan Shafer
Anne Ross Taylor
Ryan Ridge

Volunteer Staff 

Kelly Bush
Part-time Grants

Scot Ganow
Legal Counsel

Dr. Andy Campbell
Medical Counsel
